• When in session, students are expected to attend school regularly as per the dates published for each academic year. Parents are discouraged from allowing students to absent themselves from school. If holidays are taken, it is to be clearly understood that the effect on the student’s education is the responsibility of the parent and not that of the school.
  • While class or subject teachers may, at their discretion, help students catch up on course work they miss during their absence, this can in no way compensate for formal instruction in the classroom.
  • If parents or guardians require students to miss school for a valid reason, the parent or guardian is must inform the Principal in writing in advance and get clearance prior to making any travel arrangements.
  • When students are absent for medical or other unexpected reasons, a written note from the parent or guardian must reach the Principal on the first day of the student’s return to school. This must be supported by a medical certificate in case of sick leave for more than two days.
  • If a child has been suffering from a communicable/contagious disease, he/she will be allowed to attend school only after submission of a medical certificate of fitness from a qualified doctor.
  • Unexplained absences will be followed up by the Principal.
  • Repeated absence without permission or unexplained absence for more than six consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only at the discretion of the Principal.
  • For reasons of security, students in Grades 6-12 who arrive late must immediately report to the Vice-Principal’s Office.
  • Students who arrive late more than once a week need to obtain appropriate sanction from the Vice-Principal.
  • Students who arrive late must ensure that their homework/prep reaches the appropriate subject teachers.
  • The school fees are to be paid regularly.
  • The fee for a month is to be deposited by the 10th of the month. If 10th of the month in which the school dues are to be paid happens to be a holiday then the payment is to be made by the 9th of the month. In case the fee is not deposited by the due date, the fee will be collected with fine.
  • If the school fee is not paid by the end of the month, the school will be forced to strike off the name of the child from the school roll and readmission will be at the discretion of the Head of the Institution and a payment of the re-admission fee.
  • At BPS we have air conditioned buses and vans fitted with GPS tracking system.
  • All students using the school bus are expected to be at the bus stop, at least five minutes before the arrival time of the bus.
  • The routes of the school buses are preplanned and parents should consult the Transport In-charge for necessary details. The driver is authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only.
  • All students must occupy seats immediately after boarding their buses. Students must not move around inside the bus and no part of their body should be outside the bus.
  • Parents are requested not to board the school bus.
  • It is also requested that any issue/problem related to school transport may be discussed with the school authorities/transport in-charge in the school only. Under no circumstances will children be allowed to board another bus to fulfill social engagements or otherwise.
  • A teacher –in – charge is there in each bus with the children. Any problems in the bus are brought to the notice of the Teacher In-charge and the Head of the School immediately.

The staff and students of the school are happy to offer their best wishes on a student's birthday. However, since learning time at school is very important, no birthday parties are allowed in school. It is very important that no gifts or expensive chocolates are distributed.

Students up to Grade 5 are allowed to attend school in home clothes on their birthday, but they must be formally attired.

Permission will not be granted to any student to leave the school unaccompanied to attend birthday celebrations of their classmates or friend, nor will students be given access to the address and telephone numbers of any student in order to send an invitation.

The school Resource Centre is open to all students from class 1 onwards. All classes have Resource Centre period every week. Students visiting the Resource Centre have to observe following rules:

  • Every student shall borrow and read book from Resource Centre each month, as per activities listed in the schedule.
  • Until the previously issued book is returned, student will not be eligible for a fresh issue.
  • Reference books are not for issue. These books can be read only in the Resource Centre.
  • If books are returned late without a valid reason, the borrowing facility will be withdrawn for a period of 4 weeks or more.
  • Books if marked, disfigured, damaged or lost while in their possession will have to be replaced by the borrower, failing which their parents will be billed two times the cost of the replacement.
  • Any student found deliberately damaging or defacing a book may be debarred from the Resource Centre for the entire term or academic year and a heavy fine will be levied.
  • The Resource Centre has an open access system, and the student must help maintain the order and organization of the collection in different shelves. They must place the book in the shelves, strictly according to the call numbers, after consultation with the librarian.
  • Students are not allowed to bring their personal, books or belongings to the Resource Centre.
  • Strict discipline has to be maintained in the Resource Centre.
  • It is mandatory for all the students to do the activities stated in the list of activities of Resource Centre.
  • Software applications , CD ROMS, pen drive and other computer appliances may not be used without the teacher’s consent and without approval of appropriate school personnel.
  • Laboratory breakages : in case of deliberate laboratory breakage the students will have to pay the cost of the equipment damaged along with a penalty of 10%.
  • Self-discipline is the forte of the school. The school insists on the maintenance of strict discipline and will take necessary action if the set rules are violated.
  • Reporting time for students of pre-primary is 8:40 a.m. and Primary Classes is 7:40 a.m.
  • After the morning bell, the school gates will be closed and entry for the students will not be permitted unless there is a valid reason. The students will report to their respective class rooms as soon as they reach school.
  • Students are expected to be honest, behave with dignity and treat others with respect and courtesy. Behaviour of the individual should not interfere with the rights of others. This includes the use of appropriate language, actions and attire. Shouting, bullying or use of foul language is strictly forbidden.
  • Every student will bring his/her school diary daily.
  • No books, other than text or library books, magazines or periodicals should be brought to the school, unless instructed by the teachers.
  • Lending / borrowing of money or articles is not permissible. Students are not allowed to bring sharp edged instruments to the school.
  • Mobiles and any other such electronic or mechanical gadgets/devices are not allowed in the school. If caught, such articles will be destroyed by the school authorities.
  • The students must not write on walls etc. or make undesirables sketches on the Walls/Furniture tops/doors.
  • To inculcate the willingness and likeness for using English language, and also to enhance the students' English speaking skills, conversation only in English has been made mandatory for all students.
  • Bringing fireworks/bursting or extending any kind of support for exploding crackers or splashing water or colour in the school premises or outside in the vicinity of the school is strictly prohibited, even during festival time.
  • The students are expected to develop a sense of belongingness to the institute. Their action must reflect respect for the Faculty members and must inculcate a spirit of fellow – feeling and mutual respect amongst themselves.
  • Student should come to school neatly dressed in proper school uniform .The school uniform is to be worn on all working days.
  • Students are not allowed to use office telephone without permission of the office in-charge .
  • Parents and guardians are not permitted to visit the class rooms or visit their wards or take them away during school hours without the written permission of the principal
  • The school discourages the private tuitions for the pupils and especially from the school teachers.in case it is absolutely essential, please contact the principal.
  • The school advocates environment friendly action. The use of poly bags are therefore strictly prohibited.
  • Sending money without any reason should be discouraged.
  • Students are not permitted to leave the school premises during the school hours for whatever reason, where there are exceptional circumstances, permission must be obtained from the principal.
  • Students are advised to make use of dustbins provided for throwing waste etc. they are expected to keep the campus neat and clean.
  • Application for withdrawal is to be made on a prescribed proforma available in the school office. No child is withdrawal till a written request from parents is put up.
  • A one month notice period or one month notice fee is required for withdrawal.
  • Clearance must be obtained from the laboratory, library other in-charges before applying for withdrawal.
  • Transfer certificate will be issued after 15 days of the receipt of the application and clearance of all dues.