• Thematic Assemblies: Morning assemblies form an integral part of the curriculum and are observed on themes, which are planned at the beginning of the session. Values , Festivals and Days of national and international importance are celebrated through these assemblies , ensuring the development of intrapersonal , interpersonal and social skills.
  • Camps, Excursions and Trips: Adventure Camps and educational trips planned as part of the annual calendar help students to explore, appreciate and connect with nature; strengthening the bonds of interdependence and enthusing the tenets of preservation and conservation. Regular trips to museums and galleries , aid in increasing knowledge and developing appreciation.
  • Seminars, Symposia and Workshops: A variety of skills, attitudes and values as well as important information is disseminated to the students through a comprehensive program of talks, seminars and workshops. Students are sent out to attend the same at out of school locations as well. A rigorous calendar of in-service training for the teachers ensures their skill building and keeps them abreast with latest trends in education and pedagogy.